
for Research & Education

As a cutting-edge technology with broad applicability in a variety of industries, blockchain is both a popular topic for researchers and a priority for those educating the next generation of innovators and business leaders. CoreLedger’s Active Sandbox gives researchers all the fundamental tools needed to write smart contracts, create digital assets, and build tokenization solutions, all in a simple graphical interface that’s also perfect for the classroom.


Blockchain and Research

There are two types of research projects that can benefit from an Active Sandbox.

The first is a blockchain or tokenization project that needs to quickly and affordably build a prototype. Using an Active Sandbox is both faster and less expensive than building the same solution from scratch, helping researchers stick to their funding budgets and timelines.
The second type of research project that can benefit from an Active Sandbox is non-blockchain-specific projects that are able to integrate certain technological features, making them eligible for new funding options. Blockchain is a buzzword right now, with funders like the EU prioritizing it, so grant applicants are incentivized to integrate it into their projects. For example, STEM researchers can use blockchain to securely document and anchor their work in time. Everything tokenized with CoreLedger TEOS can be cross-linked using NOTRZR or BCDocuDemo to create immutable timestamped databases.

Learn more about using blockchain technology to access grants and funding.


Supply chain



Game items





Smart devices


IOT solutions

Blockchain in the Classroom

For education providers such as universities or executive education centers, our Active Sandbox offers a hands-on objective learning experience like no other. Our easy-to-use graphical interface and comprehensive tokenization tools that can be tailored to your course material, will give students a clear and practical understanding of the creation, management, and use of digital assets in a real blockchain ecosystem. Blockchain excels at highly practical use cases, like notarization, which can in turn be used in applications like government or healthcare. There is also a broad range of industries and applications that can immediately benefit from blockchain technology. Our no-code Active Sandbox makes it as simple as possible for universities to give their students a head start on a technology that is widely seen as integral to the future digital landscape. 

Benefits of a CoreLedger Active Sandbox for Research and Education

Diverse use-cases and applications

Quick and affordable setup

No transaction fees

Simple graphical interface

Create smart contracts, digital assets, and token economies

Easily extended and modified

Let’s work together to push research forward and educate the next generation of leaders and innovators.

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Our solutions have been used by Swiss Universities ZHAW and HSLU in both pilot projects and classroom courses.

ZHAW partnered with CoreLedger to evaluate the applications of blockchain in the insurance sector. The project was very productive, as we found that CoreLedger’s solutions opened up new opportunities. It allowed us to establish captives and insurance fronting business models at much lower operating costs, increasing the availability of insurance and improving a firm’s risk management. Their technology ensures the seamless transfer of finances across different jurisdictions while staying fully transparent and compliant with local laws. We can also swap risks between different captives or insurances, enabling market participants to granularly manage risks, and easily link networks together to improve access to reinsurance markets.

Dr. Benedikt Zoller-Rydzek

ZHAW School of Management and Law